Join the Shockers Ohana

Player Registration

Player registration is conducted on-line. Your Coaches, Managers and our Club Registrar, Yuni Yamaguchi, will help you through the online registration process.

All players will need to:

  • Be recommended one of our Club Team’s Coaches

  • Register with the Hawaii Youth Soccer Organization, here.

  • Sign the Shockers Code of Conduct. Download the form here.

  • Meet the seasonal requirements prior to the start of season. Download the form here.


Coaches & Volunteers

Volunteers will have the opportunity to help organize team & club events, fundraisers, tournaments and annual travel.

All Coaches and volunteers will need to register with the Hawaii Youth Soccer Organization :

  • Register with the Hawaii Youth Soccer Organization, here.

Coaches will have to provide Coaching certificates or obtain a license from the U.S. Soccer Learning Center.

  • Apply for a coaching license from the U.S. Soccer Learning Center, here.