Where it all Started


Founder & CEO

Dave Barker

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In 2018 our Ohana celebrated the twentieth year since the establishment of the Shockers Soccer Club. We would be remiss if we did not recognize the one person who had the vision to establish the club with the values that set our foundation and allowed it to flourish to this day. That person is our Founder and Honorary CEO, Mr. Dave Barker.

As it usually starts, Dave found himself in a position with his son Andrew, who with his friends wanted to form a team and play soccer. One of Andrew’ s friends Christopher, was the son of our current Director of Coaching, Coach Geoff. Dave made the decision to start and coach the first boys team who called themselves Shockers. They registered as the Shockers Soccer Club with the Oahu League.

Within a year, Coach Geoff, his daughter, Michele and my daughter, Nai Jin wanted to to play club soccer too. Coach Geoff approached Dave and asked if his girls team could join the club, which they did, and named themselves Shockers Too! Soon to follow were the Shockers Juniors followed by their sibling sisters, Shockers Three.

The original Shockers disbanded shortly thereafter and the Club moved forward with Dave’s blessing through the early 2000(s) with three teams. In 2013 Coach Stacy asked our Board of Directors to join the Club, with four teams from the former Club, Crew and we blossomed into the Club we are today. Our Ohana is strong and vibrant thanks to the foresight of our founder, Mr. Dave Barker.

Thank you, Dave!