Meet our Ohana

Club Board Members


Bob Gregory - President

Coach Bob joined Shockers in 1998 as an Assistant Coach to the Shockers Two team, which his daughter played on. Since then, Coach Bob held active Administrative and Coaching positions with USYSA and AYSO prior to accepting the position as Club President.


Geoff Maeda - VP & Director of Coaching

Coach Geoff has coached for twenty five years with AYSO, USYSA Club and HHSAA. Geoff helped form the first boys team, Shockers and has continued to be an active Coach for numerous Shockers teams.

”Master the Technique, to Acquire the Skills, to Perform the Tactics.”

“Don't play a position, Play Soccer.”

“You can influence your opponents play, you can affect your teammate's decision making but there is only one thing you can control, how hard YOU work.”

“Preparing with all your heart and soul makes the game easy and fun.”


Adrian Tanaka - General Manager

Coach Adrian has coached for twenty five years with AYSO, USYSA Club and HHSAA. Adrian helped form the first boys and first girls team, and has continued to be an active Coach for our U19G team.


Yuni Yamaguchi - Registrar

Ms. Yamaguchi has just assumed duties as the Club Registrar.



Jason Furuta

Jason has coached for 15 years in the AYSO and HYSA leagues, supporting his daughter who played for the Shockers Hokupa’a team.


Dean Sugiyama



Darren Takushi

Soccer has always been a big part of Darren’s life, growing up and into High School where he played for Pearl City. Previously an Assistant Coach, Darren now is the Head Coach for the U12G team.


Kyle Toyama


Adrian Tanaka